Diabetes Registry of Pakistan
Diabetes Registry of Pakistan
Diabetes registries can be used to monitor the prevalence and incidence of diabetes. Diabetes registries are used in many countries for population management of diabetes, outcomes management, and development of Clinician finding Support Structure, for example, National Diabetes Registry (NDR) in Sweden and Singapore diabetes registry. According to 2nd National Diabetes Survey of Pakistan (NDSP) 2016-2017, overall 26.3% adult (≥20) suffer from diabetes (27.4 million people). Health Research Advisory Board (HRAB) of Pakistan has initiated the mission of developing disease registries countrywide. Diabetes Registry of Pakistan (DROP) under the supervision of Prof. Abdul Basit and Dr. Asher Fawwad to enumerate the degree of the national disease burden. For type 1 diabetes, Diabetes Registry of Pakistan for type 1 (DROP-1) has already started. DROP-1 can be a good pilot arm for developing the robust methodology for DROP. The upcoming and the ongoing research is periodically being linked with the registry to ensure its modernization. This registry is a useful tool for tracking the status of patient, in order to limit the burden of data collection. A web-based data entry system and automated random sampling has enabled useful data collection and tracking with relatively minimal effort.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.3.1877
How to cite this:
Basit A, Fawwad A, Baqa K. Diabetes Registry of Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci. 2020;36(3):578-580.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.3.1877
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