Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): Time to move towards Higher Doctorate Degrees

  • Sultan Ayoub Meo
  • Shaukat Ali Jawaid
  • Nadia Naseem
Keywords: Higher Doctorate, Doctor of Science, Academic title, D.SC.


The present most modern and highly advanced 21’st century is the era of science and technology. In human history, universities are the basic birthplace of higher education, research, and innovation and play a significant role in the countries’ performance, prosperity, and economic progress. Worldwide, there is a swift shift in the pattern of biological, environmental, economic, and educational systems. This broader change is rotating around the higher academia and its allied innovative research impact. The leading universities develop a culture and curricula as per need and demand and produce knowledge and skills-based professional graduates. The universities prepare graduates to keep in view their country’s requirements and compete with their peers at international levels.

Moreover, worldwide, universities are transforming towards higher doctorate degrees (D.Sc / S.Dc) to provide an elevated helipad to the applicant to compete in this modern and highly advanced era. The higher doctoral degree, D.Sc, is earned 6-8 years after the post Ph.D. The candidates with higher academic titles, professional skills, and innovative research could compete and achieve top-ranked positions worldwide. Many universities worldwide, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, promote D.Sc degree programs in various science disciplines, including medical sciences. This manuscript explores the dynamics of a higher doctorate and its significance, need, and demand in academia to compete globally.


How to cite this:
Meo SA, Jawaid SA, Naseem N. Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): Time to move towards Higher Doctorate Degrees. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(7):1721-1726. doi:

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How to Cite
Meo, S. A., Jawaid, S. A., & Naseem, N. (2021). Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): Time to move towards Higher Doctorate Degrees. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 37(7).

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